10 Tips on Choosing a Blog Topic that Enhances Your SEO


May 23, 2021

10 Tips on Choosing a Blog Topic that Enhances Your SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an ever-growing and evolving process. Keeping up with SEO trends while curating a blog is quite challenging for a beginner and also for an experienced writer. The right approach to enhance SEO via blogs is to be persistent and choosing the niche.

Anyone into digital marketing is aware of the Search Engine algorithm; however, the way the ranking is achieved is still uncharted territory.


Here are the 10 tips for choosing a blog topic that would enhance SEO:


1. Plan Content Curation with Keyword Research

People generally prefer writing about the topics that they are interested in. Making blind guesses to write a blog without having to rely on keyword research is meaningless. Your audience usually uses keywords to search and read blogs. A writer needs to rely on keywords before curating blogs.


2. Use relevant and unique Meta Description

Meta Description is one of the crucial elements that heighten the chance of your blog to get maximum reach. Google and other search engines crawl Meta Description to determine the search rankings of blogs and other content.


3. Content should be comprehensive

Search engines adore adequately detailed blogs. Covering a broad topic increases the chances of getting scrolled, and combining it with LSI keywords is just like icing on the cake. The LSI keywords ensure that the writer is aware of the search engines that the audience is making. Covering these keywords would make your blog informative, comprehensive and very useful to readers.


4. Resist keyword stuffing

Avoid stuffing keywords to make the blog reach a broad audience. Stuffing blogs with keywords don’t make the page optimized; instead, the content and the page becomes overbearing. Keywords should be arranged most naturally for humans to read, not search engines to please.


5. Write long and scannable posts

Google prefers blogs that are longer, perfectly articulated and in-depth. Writing shorter blogs might be great for casual readers, but the ones who are looking for information or a solution would love blogs that are long. According to HubSpot, the ideal length of a blog should range from 2,100 to 2,400 words.


6. Write for humans; search engines come second

How would you define a good blog? The one that scrolls in search engines? Nah! A good blog is scannable, it is broken down into several segments and paragraphs, perfectly organized with subheaders, and lastly, it is readable.


7. Use Keywords in Meta Description

Are you adding keywords to your blog post’s Meta Description? If your answer is yes, you’re doing a great job; if no, then what are you doing? Using keywords in Meta Descriptions increasing the exposure level of your blogs are Google essentially scrolls content if they have a unique Meta Description.


8. Use social signals to build momentum

Social Media and SEO are the two different sides of the same coin. If you don’t consider Social Media an essential part of SEO, you’ve to put extra effort to gain momentum. Google might haven’t added algorithm factors in social media, but social signals substantially impact search engines.


9. Leverage web analytics from the beginning

There are several web analytics software like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and private analytics software which can aid you to track your progress. Some tools also give you an edge to see if visitors are clicking on the link while navigating websites.


10. Use readable and simple URL Structure

Both readers and search engines do get confused while understanding URLs. Long URLs are any day better than short yet complex URLs. Google bots are nothing less than infants; they’ve to be spoon-fed. The simple the URL, the better is the scrolling and indexing.


We genuinely hope you found these tips helpful. Before you leave, there is a pro tip for writing blogs, “do not change your domain name frequently,” as it is a critical element to make your blogging journey an absolute success.


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